VinBase Chatbot

Automating the process of
care and attraction of

A complete solution that provides a platform for creating and managing chatbots, making it possible for chatbots to work independently without human involvement in most cases
10.000+ Requests to be processed at the same time
<0.1 second Response speed
100+ Languages ​​Supported

Recognize the intent and purpose of communication of cutomer

  • Recognize intents from user messages in a variety of situations (accented/unsigned and misspelled) with over 90% accuracy
  • Recognizes entities/objects mentioned in user messages with more than 90% accuracy
  • Understand customer context to provide appropriate feedback and business recommendations, handle conversation interruptions when seeing inappropriate or off-topic messages in the conversation

Perspective recognition and evaluate the quality of the conversation

  • Provide support services to identify customer emotions (positive/negative/neutral)
  • Automatically synthesize and evaluate paragraph quality conversation

Stay in touch with customers everytime, everywhere

  • Easily integrate over 10+ business written communication channels
  • Accurate, fast response in real time, 24/7
  • Multilingual support, helping businesses reach customers globally and scale business

Easy to install, Flexible customization and management

  • Optimizing customer experience, automating interactions, managing efficiency without having to be knowledgeable about program
  • Automatically statistics user data, process and export detailed reports in real time

Customer care overview

  • Combine resources from HR and AI tools efficiently with smooth auto-forwarding: Chatbots direct the conversation to a customer service agent or dedicated department on demand or within complex situations.
  • Automatically process customer data, extract information, care for and increase relationships with potential customers; then report to relevant departments to adjust the strategy and take appropriate action.
Create different and groundbreaking customer experiences with
Story successful

VinBigdata develops AI generation technology, will soon launch ‘ChatGPT Vietnamese Version’

VinBigdata (Vingroup Group) will integrate technology to make VinBase (a Multi-Cognitive Artificial Intelligence Platform) the first Generative AI Platform in Vietnam. On August 21, 2023,…

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Comprehensive digital conversion with
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