Spending on health services as a share of GDP
Healthcare facility executives agree that improving patient experience has an impact on their business
Digital consultation
Once a healthcare question or concern is received, it's immediately resolved without the need to navigate call centers.
Đọc thêmCustomer is the center
Create a personalized patient experience through the information collected to recommend the right specialists/doctors or schedule optimal times for appointments and provide personalized schedules for patients.
Đọc thêmMaximize resources efficiency
Operating costs and personnel of medical facilities will also be reduced significantly, helping the hospital focus its resources on other activities such as treatment and research.
Đọc thêmMulti-channel deployment
The system can be deployed on many different platforms such as live chat website, messengers (Facebook, Skype...), enterprise mobile applications.
Đọc thêmChoose VinBase.ai to change your business
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